Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP )

ATP, an essential source of energy for numerous cellular processes, is fundamental for the transfer of energy. ATP is hydrolyzed to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), where the Pi bond is split, releasing chemical energy, and initiating physiological processes. During physical activity, energy from ATP is released during muscle contraction but is limited by the body’s capabilities for resynthesis. Furthermore, supplementing with ATP may influence available concentrations for energy, resulting in an improvement in performance. However, the influence of ATP supplementation on performance is limited and uncertain. One study investigated the effects of 150 or 225 mg ATP supplementation over a 14-day period on aerobic and anaerobic performance. There were no reported changes in whole blood concentrations of ATP immediately after supplementation or at 14 days post-supplementation. Furthermore, ATP supplementation did not alter bench press strength or endurance, or peak power or total work during repeated Wingate tests. The researchers did, however, note improvements in the number of repetitions to fatigue at 1RM and total lifting volume after 14 days of 225 mg ATP supplementation. Herda and colleagues examined the acute effects of a supplement intended to improve ATP concentrations on performance in college-aged men. Following 7 days of supplementation, there were no observed improvements in vertical jump height, leg strength, leg endurance, or forearm endurance. Due to the lack of research, more data are required before any recommendation can be made for the use of ATP as an efficacious sports supplement.


A metabolite of choline, and the trimethylated form of glycine, betaine is present in the diet in large concentrations in wheat germ and bran, as well as in sources such as spinach, shrimp, beets, and some wheat products. Betaine’s two primary functions in the body are as a methyl donor and an osmolyte, a compound that maintains normal cell volume. As an osmolyte, betaine protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from heat, dehydration, and other environmental and physiological stresses. As a methyl donor, betaine is used to convert homocysteine to L-methionine and is, therefore, also a precursor to creatine and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), which has been used as a dietary supplement for bone and joint health, as well as mood regulation. In healthy adults, 6 weeks of betaine supplementation at 1.5, 3, and 6 g per day was shown to decrease levels of homocysteine, an indicator of heart and blood vessel disease, in a dose-dependent manner. In another study, 6 g per day of betaine for 12 weeks provided to 42 obese men and women resulted in a significant reduction  in homocysteine levels; however, no changes in body composition, body weight, or resting energy expenditure occurred. Data to substantiate a sports enhancing effect is limited; two studies, currently available only as abstracts, provide evidence that when betaine was co-ingested with a carbohydrate and electrolyte beverage during and after exercise in hot climates, sprint time to exhaustion, as well as anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, improved. Based on available science, the recommendation is to supplement 600 mg–6 g per day consumed with meals or immediately post-exercise with recovery drink.